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Voice Messages
For Instructions on Making Dr. Ghoul Your Voicemail Message, please click HERE
For Instructions on Purchasing, please click HERE
Enjoy the unique horror and humor of Dr. Ghoul anytime on your phone!
On this ghoulish album, Dr. Ghoul provides several scary delights that you can use for your personal VoIP Voicemail greetings all year long, or play them out loud when recording your personal cell phone greeting to get Dr. Ghoul in your voicemail.
These are just fun to listen to even if you don't use them on your phone!
And remember, ghouls, may all your NIGHTMARES! Muahahahah!

Dr. Ghoul is back with his unique combination of horror and humor, this time with several voicemail messages centered on that most wonderfully wicked of nights - HALLOWEEN!
Use these for your VoIP phone voicemails, or simply play them over speakers while recording your personal cell phone message, and you will have Dr. Ghoul represent you during this most special of holidays!
Have a truly Happy Halloween, everyone, and remember...
May all your dreams, be NIGHTMARES! Muahahahaha!
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